Multi-Purpose Utility Asset

TMOND is the official utility token of the TNC ecosystem. Developers need TMOND to pay for gas fees, deploy smart contracts, and ultimately make the TNC network more efficient.

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All rewards for staking will be paid out in TMOND tokens

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TNC blockchain transactions will require TMOND as gas fee

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Developers need TMOND to deploy their smart contract


Contract Address :


Decimals: 18

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TMOND initial supply

TMOND will have no limit in the number of tokens that will be issued. Furthermore, we have initially minted up to 1.5 billion tokens. TMOND is initially a BEP-20 token to ensure easy adoption for early developers interested in building their decentralized applications (DApps) on the TNC network.

TMOND Burning and Staking Mechanism

To ensure adequate token supply and distribution, TMOND will implement an efficient burning mechanism on a regular basis. This will balance out the minting of TMOND as a reward token for staking and other TNC network activities.

On the other hand, projects under the TNC ecosystem that launch staking programs can award TMOND to participants.

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TMOND Allocation and Use Cases

TMOND holders can enjoy several benefits and advantages. As the TNC ecosystem grows to become a full-scale network comparable to modern blockchain networks today, TMOND holders will profit from increased token valuation and convenience, especially those who will be developing smart contracts.

  • 70% of the initial supply will be used as staking rewards on TNC network projects
  • 15% will be set aside for the initial liquidity pool on decentralized exchanges
  • 10% will be used as funds to roll out our marketing efforts and promotions
  • 5% will become an additional backup for TNC ecosystem development
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Staking Reward Token

TMOND will be offered as a reward to investors who deposit their assets under various staking programs of TNC projects.


Incentive for Participation

TNC blockchain participants can get rewards in TMOND for their participation in future events such as hackathons and sandbox.

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Smart Contract Fee

Developers need to pay using TMOND tokens to successfully deploy their smart contracts on the TNC network.


TNC Coin Node Reward

TMOND will be awarded to entities who take an active role in the TNC ecosystem by becoming blockchain validators.


Currently, you can purchase TMOND from PancakeSwap. In the future, we plan to list TMOND in more exchanges. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to buy TMOND on PancakeSwap.

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Step 1

Go to the official PancakeSwap swap page: and connect your MetaMask wallet. If you do not have a MetaMask yet, visit here:

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Step 2

Copy this contract address:

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Step 3

Head over to PancakeSwap and go to the Swap platform.

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Step 4

In the first space, you need to input the correct TMOND contract address. Make sure that you have copied the correct one from the website.

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Step 5

As you may have observed, TMOND is not in the drop-down list, which is why you need to input the contract address.

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Step 6

Once you have pasted the contract address, TMOND will appear below. Select it.

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Step 7

Once you have pasted the contract address, TMOND will appear below. Select it.

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Step 8

A detailed window will appear. Verify the details are correct. Click on the Confirm Swap button when you are ready. You will get a pop-up message from MetaMask to approve the transaction.

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Step 9

That’s it. You’re all set! Click on View on BscScan to view your transaction details.

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